Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Story: "Cat" (6)

I think I'm about as tired of this story as a reader/writer can be, but still I must plunge onward.

The eternal tea party sequence, with comments on Fu serving as a pivot to turn the conversation back towards taste in women. In particular, there is a distaste for covering up coarseness with refinement which creates a dramatic irony insofar as Fu himself is doing this:

Jianhou laughs at these comments, following. Does this indicate he knows what a hypocrite Fu is?
Next, Jiajun's standards: 
Jiajun strikes me as trying to be he Bertie from Wodehouse?
This line, I take it, reveals something of the author's attitude towards language.

To cap the sequence, we have a brief moment of Yigu alone, considering all that he has heard, and amplifying his own lust for Aimo. 

After Yigu leaves the scene, the party goes on for a bit more. Jiajun applies a bit of gentle ribbing to Yigu's naivete. We also begin to learn a bit more about Aimo -- she fears aging. 

In the next sequence, Yigu becomes even more obviously a tool in the power struggle between Aimo and Jianhou. Aimo steals Yigu from Jianhou, and Jianhou takes his vengeance, in a way that is too far. Jianhou's problem is his complete inability to stand up for himself at the time, which translates into a passive action later. The story is at its most touching when we realize that the big problem between Aimo and Jianhou is that they cannot communicate. 
Perhaps its related to see that when they do fight, it's in English, ostensibly so the servants can't understand? (Here we see clear signs of the comedy of manners from English entered into the writing, as well.)
MSP Airport Shuttle Stop, Monday, Sept. 19

Shades of Noel Coward? In the ensuing fight, with great dialogue, we grow to appreciate Aimo's verbal ability. This puts us in mind of Jianhou's father's advice about combining cultures, and Jianhou's mistake. 

Finally, we return to Yigu as he makes his move on Aimo. A really wonderful line: 
Made me think that the gesture of refinement on top of the coarse contains a message that language play is a refinement thrown over the coarseness that we all have in common. Yigu is able to recognize the coarseness underneath Aimo in the end, but is still no kind of hero, because he lacks the compassion to say anything useful to Aimo in her hour of need. 
The final, lyrical, sentence brings to mind how the conflicts and tensions have been passed down from 30 year olds to 20 year olds, and even younger. So the worst bits of humanity propagate, in short steps, and yet always with some hope for change. 

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