Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Story: "Cat" (7) Satirical Sentences

When I first read Qian Zhongshu's story "Cat" in English translation, I was inspired to write a paper that would tackle the satire present in the multilingual sentences. At the time I had just finished How to Write a Sentence: And How to Read One by Stanley Fish, and wanted to write criticism in his vein. Just looking over notes I posted to this blog, I can see several sentences that will work well:

My friend, earlier this morning
  1. The passage describing how the cat, "Taoqi," got its name. Yes, I need to narrow it down to a single sentence. (post 1) This shows the tradition as a source of play, and also introduces the central gesture of refinement as a layer over coarseness
  2. Aimo's character, which reflects her American socialization through a pun on Bill. This shows off an implied reader. 她受過美國式的教育,養成一种逢人叫小名以表親昵的習气,就是見了莎士比亞的面,她也會叫他bill,何況貓呢?Perhaps Aimo symbolizes the communality that is continuing to fail at the hands of self-centered men, as we see in sentences on the United Nations. Also we might remember the transformation of Beiping into a city of relics which have value as signs of refinement, flocked to by self-deceiving Chinese of all types. (post 1)
  3. Jianhou's father represents a relics attitude towards other cultures: “吃中國菜,住西洋房子,娶日本老婆,人生無遺憾矣!” (post 1)
  4. Aimo's condescension toward her husband -- no multilingual element, exactly, but I just love the comment and love the translation in the Rea volume: “你知道,我這次跨海征東,千里迢迢來受痛苦,無非為你,要討你喜歡。我的臉也就是你的面子。我蒙了眼,又痛又黑暗,你好意思一個人住在外面吃喝玩樂么?你愛我,你得听我的話。你不許跟人到處亂跑。還有,你最貪嘴,可是我進醫院后,你別上中國館子,大菜也別吃,只許頓頓吃日本料理。你答應我不?算你愛我,陪我受苦,我痛的時候心上也有些安慰。吃得坏些,你可以清心寡欲,不至于胡鬧,糟蹋了身子。你個儿不高,吃得太胖了,不好看。你背了我騙我,我會知道,從此不跟你好。” (post 2) The wordplay does come, however, in the sentence that follows, which leaves us with no doubts that Jianhou is a nothing, a zero: 李太太深知缺少這個丈夫不得;仿佛亞刺伯數碼的零號,本身毫無价值,但是沒有它,十百千万都不能成立。因為任何數目背后加個零號便進了一位,所以零號也跟著那數目而意義重大了。(post 2)
  5. Two jokes about Jianhou's inability, first, on sitzfleisch, which is perhaps after all not a joke: 頭腦不好,沒有思想,沒有理想;可是大著作有時全不需要好頭腦,只需要好屁股,听鄭須溪說,德國人就把“坐臀”(Sitzfleisch)作為知識分子的必具條件。(post 3)
  6. Second, the gout/gout pun, 那時候,這個討厭家伙已算家里的慣客了。他知道自己講究吃,一天帶了初版薩梵冷的名著Physiologiedugout(《口味生理學》)來相送。自己早把法語忘光了,冒失地嚷:“你錯了!我害胃病,不害風痛病,這本講gout的生理學對我毫無用處。”那家伙的笑聲到現在還忘不了。(post 3)
  7. Still another joke at Jianhou's expense: 建侯假如生在十六世紀的法國,他這身段的曲線美,不知該使多少女人傾倒愛慕,不拿薪水當他的女書記呢!那時候的漂亮男女,都得把肚子凸出--法國話好象叫Panserons--鼓得愈高愈好,跟現代女人的束緊前面腹部而聳起后面臀部,正是相反。建侯算得古之法國美少年,也配得做淘气的榜樣。所以我說老袁倒果為因。

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